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Aries Season 2023 Tarot Readings for Each Sign of the Zodiac & Astrology Highlights

Writer's picture: Brandy RachelleBrandy Rachelle

March 20th, 2023 ushers in Aries season, the Ram, and Tarot Card Key 4, The Emperor.

The Emperor tarot card meaning Aries Season free tarot reading
The Emperor, Golden Art Nouveau Tarot by Giulia Massaglia

Check out these astrological highlights during Aries season:

3/21 New Moon in Aries - it’s time to get fired up and plant the seeds for starting something new, be bold to initiate change where it is needed, and embrace freedom.

3/25 Mars in Cancer - Make bold strides towards what fuels your passion and fills your heart. Trust your gut when taking action, especially around risks, and know when to heed caution from within. Watch out for being impulsive, passive aggressive and touchy.

4/3 Mercury in Taurus - Let common sense, practicality and determination lead the way in your thought process, making decisions, and conversing with others. This is a good time to get your thoughts sorted out around money, finances and security.

4/6 Full Moon in Libra - emotions will be felt deeply, particularly around friends, family, your self esteem, environment, and social justice. Pay attention to what comes to what bubbles to the surface, and if it’s something that doesn’t serve you, it’s time to make change or move on.

4/11 Venus in Gemini - Flirt to your heart’s content and intellectually indulge yourself! Take the time to leave love notes and send texts, read or write poetry, sing from the soul, find a way to express your inner romantic, engage in conversation and study around the arts and values.

Here’s a look ahead at what Aries season will bring or how each zodiac sign can work with the energy this season. To get a more well rounded picture, look at your Sun, Moon and Rising zodiac signs.

Free psychic tarot readings online April 2023

Aries - Three of Cups RX - Not only is two company and three a crowd, you may just find yourself wanting to be alone at this time; perhaps a rift in a family or friend group. On the flip side you’ll want to watch for excessive partying and consumption.

Taurus - Four of Cups - Take some time to be alone with your own thoughts and feelings. Be mindful of where you place your focus, as well as creating necessary boundaries and unnecessary walls.

Gemini - Nine of Cups - this is a good time for a good time! Indulge yourself on world luxuries, but make sure to walk the fine line to avoid overindulging. A wish or two may come true, so watch what you wish for.

Cancer - Page of Swords - approach the world with curiosity and wonder, take a class, strike up a conversation with someone new, and make sure to carry a notepad to jot down any new ideas coming to you!

Leo - Seven of Wands - competition is stiff, the challenge is real, and you are 100% equipped and capable of overcoming whatever is thrown your way. Stand your ground, protect yourself, and persevere to see the job through!

Virgo - Three of Pentacles RX - while teamwork often makes the job so smoother and quicker, this is a time where you're missing a key player or going at it solo. Make sure to prepare or plan ahead for trouble in work paradise.

Libra - The Chariot - things are moving slow, but they are moving nonetheless. You stand the greatest chance at victory and achieving your goals by taking small, consistent, and well thought out steps. 2023 is a Universal Seven Year and the Year of the Chariot.

Scorpio - The Emperor (Aries) - structure, discipline and authority are paramount at this time if you want to create a sense of order and stability for long term success in your endeavors. You have the drive to get things done. Discover more about The Emperor and Aries Season.

Sagittarius - King of Wands - this is perfect for Aries season, it is go time! It’s time to get a very clear picture of what you want for the future, how you plan to get there and if necessary, lead others on the journey.

Capricorn - Five of Cups - while there will be disappointments on the road ahead, there will still be road left to travel afterwards that brings about the opportunity to move beyond what was and take a lesson or two with you.

Aquarius - The Fool RX - It’s time to take an honest look at the situation. Are you choosing not to take action because it’s reckless and risky, or are you really holding yourself back and not letting your potential shine through?

Pisces - Knight of Pentacles RX - situation has gone stale, so it’s important to ask yourself if it’s because you are no longer interested or the need for perfection has gotten in your way. Things are not going to progress until you start taking action.



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© Brandy Rachelle

Uncredited images from my personal collection or within the public domain


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