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Capricorn Season 2023 Tarot Readings for Each Sign of the Zodiac & Astrology Highlights

Writer's picture: Brandy RachelleBrandy Rachelle

December 21st, 2023 ushers in Capricorn season, the Sea Goat, and Tarot Card Key 15, The Devil.

The Devil Tarot Card meaning, Touchstone Tarot by Kat Black
Devil, Touchstone Tarot by Kast Black

Check out these astrological highlights during Capricorn season:

12/23 Mercury in Sagittarius - Wanting to learn something new? THIS IS THE TIME! Lose yourself in a topic, have the deep philosophical conversations, and get creative with your problem solving.

12/29 Venus in Sagittarius - Expect for freedom, excitement and adventure to be at the forefront in your relationships at this time. This is a great time to start something new with someone new, but be mindful of wandering eyes and greener pastures syndrome.

12/26 Full Moon in Cancer - What emotions do you need to express and release that are dwelling in the depths being suppressed for whatever reason? This is a time for paying attention to those intuitive hits, your gut is talking to you.

12/30 Jupiter goes Direct

1/1 Mercury goes Direct

1/11 New Moon in Capricorn - This is a good time to consider where you need be more responsible or create more structure around family, the home and personal business. It can be as simple as getting the house organized or starting a weekly meal plan to as complex as a career change.

1/13 Mercury in Capricorn - During this time our thinking and communication is far more practical and methodical; critical thinking and logical solutions are highly valued in both ourselves and others. 

Here’s a look ahead at what Capricorn season will bring or how each zodiac sign can work with the energy this season. To get a more well rounded picture, look at your Sun, Moon and Rising zodiacal signs.

Free Online Tarot Readings December 2023 January 2024 Capricorn
Touchstone Tarot by Kat Black

Aries - Six of Wands - hold your chin up there is something to celebrate or be proud of this season! If you have been working towards something, expect a success, victory or some form of progress and even possibly public recognition. Keep your confidence about you!

Taurus - Ace of Swords - New ideas, clarity or breakthroughs are coming in so pay attention. If you suddenly have an idea that transpires from thin air, give it some credit and consideration because it might just be the exact thing you’ve been waiting for.

Gemini - Four of Cups RX - After a time of withdrawal and contemplation, this is a time where you are more open to the things that you have been closed off to. Now that your heart is wide open, it’s important to follow it’s guidance on what you will and will not let in.

Cancer - Two of Pentacles - Expect to have more than enough on your plate this season, juggling priorities is at the top of the list this season. Make sure to prioritize what really matters most, manage your time as wisely as possible and try and remain fluid and adaptable.

Leo - Three of Wands RX - A ventures comes to a halt ot fails to launch. The question is whether it is an actual blockage, or is it improper planning, fear and playing it small, or a lack of long term planning? Course correct where needed.

Virgo - Seven of Cups RX - For those that haven been lost in a fog of confusion or unable to decide the best course of action, expect the air to clear and your options to either become more limited or the answer/best option to stick out more clearly. Don’t get caught in illusions and wishful thinking.

Libra - King of Cups RX - Emotions are likely to be raw during this time despite your best efforts to separate yourself from them. It’s important to let yourself feel when you need to fell, to do your best to thread the vulnerable waters and to gove yourself grace. Watch for manipulation.

Scorpio - King of Swords - No matter how rather certain you may think things are or how right you believe yourself to be, is your intuition or Divine guidance being suppressed by logic? It’s time to get clear, listen to your intuition and to move with truth and intellect.

Sagittarius - The World RX - If you have been waiting for things to wrap up, it isn’t quite the time yet, there is still work to be done before completion. If a delay steps in your way do your best to maintain your focus and optimism, now is not the time to throw in the towel or take shortcuts. 

Capricorn - Knight of Swords - It is go time! Think fast on your feet, take action where needed, push through to the end, and don’t take no for an answer. Maintain your focus by making to-do lists, getting your priorities straight, and using your ambitions for the better.

Aquarius - The Magician - The Magician is the master manifestor because they move in alignment with Divine Will. This is the time to take action on those Divine inspirations, to be a conduit and let Spirit move through you. Know that you have all that it takes to get the job done.

Pisces - The Sun - Things are coming together beautifully, your positivity and optimism are high, and success is either here or rising on the horizon! This is a great time to have some fun, to nourish your inner child, and just not take things too seriously. It will work out, believe. 



Copyright © 2023 Brandy Rachelle 

Uncredited images from my personal collection or stock images


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