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Scorpio Season 2022 Tarot Readings for Each Sign of the Zodiac & Astrology Highlights

Writer's picture: Brandy RachelleBrandy Rachelle

October 23rd ushers in Scorpio season, the Scorpion and Tarot Card Key 13, Death.

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Check out these astrological highlights for each Scorpio season:10/25 New Moon in Scorpio & Solar Eclipse - This is a time for setting intentions around how we perceive and express our emotions, emotional intelligence and regulation, where we could invite more privacy and reservation in our lives, uncovering truths, our sensuality, and developing our psychic senses. There is a cautionary tale of not setting intentions when an eclipse is present, lunar or solar. Perhaps it is best to be open to these things revealing themselves and taking the lead in where change occurs.

10/28 Jupiter in Pisces - It’s a fantastic time to dive deep into your spiritual studies, to enhance your spiritual awareness, tune in to your intuitive abilities, and recognize your oneness with the Divine. Tap into your inner humanitarian, show kindness and compassion, facilitate healing in yourself and others, and lead by example. Connect with your people and allow your authenticity to flow, growing relationships built on genuine connectedness. If you’re an artist, let your creativity flow for the world to see. Dream big for your soul is infinite and knows no bounds.

10/29 Mercury in Scorpio - This is a time where we seek to acquire more knowledge, but on a much more deep level; in a philosophical and perhaps even prophetic way. We observe in a way that allows us to see and understand what is below the surface and between the lines. This is a great time for problem solving and having conversations/communicating about the things we are passionate about. Watch for being cynical, obsessive, confrontational and emotional reactions.

10/30 Mars Retrograde - Mars is the planet of action, adventure, aggression, bravery, courage, taking risks, and self expression. With it slowing down in the retrograde, watch for a tendency to feel impatient, irritable, frustrated, and even angry; this includes in yourself and others. Passive aggressiveness is the common lingo at this time, don’t engage. Now is not the time to shake things up, take a risk, or start a war. Do your best to stay calm and centered, use this time to create well laid plans for another day.

11/8 Full Moon in Taurus & Lunar Eclipse - This is a time to review the things in your life where you feel ungrounded, a lack of sense of security, and perhaps insecure in your environment including your own skin. Also if there is unexpressed/repressed sensuality, inability to find joy in experiencing luxuries or the finer things of life, and poor financial health and decision making.

11/16 Mercury in Sagittarius - This is a time where we can have deep philosophical conversations, be more confident in seeking and speaking our truths, learning something new (particularly around the esoteric or occult), and solving complex problems. Be mindful of coming off arrogant or condescending, and letting your thoughts run wild.

Here’s a look ahead at what Scorpio season will bring or how each zodiac sign can work with the energy of Tarot Card Key 13, Death. To get a more well rounded picture, look at your Sun, Moon and Rising zodiacal signs.

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Aries - Two of Cups reversed - Expect to be focused more on yourself this month than on another. This can come through a breakdown or breakup in a relationship, but it can also be about claiming your personal power and focusing more on yourself and what you bring to the table for yourself before someone else. Be mindful of false offers, withdrawn support, and your health as well.

Taurus - The High Priestess - Tap into your intuition and inner knowing, gazing upon the veil of the mysteries, and perhaps partaking in the fruit of the Gods from the Tree of Knowledge. This is a time where your focus needs to be on connecting with your emotional body, the Divine Feminine within, and your spiritual studies. Sit in silence and stillness for the answers.

Gemini - Six of Pentacles - Be mindful to give when you can give and to take when you need to take. Don’t be afraid to offer that helping hand or to ask when you need one because life is a balancing act and what goes up must come down. Remember that no good deed goes unrecognized, and what you give you will get back.

Cancer - Page of Swords - Hello new ideas, an untamed sense of curiosity, and different ways of analyzing your world. The ideas will be coming in swift, make sure to have a pen and paper handy, and don’t be surprised if you change the way you think about something swiftly and often. You may have an important message come in this month. Learn all the things.

Leo - Nine of Cups - this season is about comfort, happiness, joy and satisfaction in different facets of your life. A wish (or two) may be granted and you find yourself in a state of emotional fulfillment. You’ll want to be cautious of overindulging or taking things to excess, especially around consumption.

Virgo - Death reversed - Change is coming, but it may not be on the grand scale that you expected and possibly even hoped for. This is smaller, perhaps internal rather than external. This change without a full transformation often occurs because of unfinished business, or going back and revisiting past situations and circumstances rather than stepping into new ones. Regardless, make sure that you aren’t holding on to the past or resisting the transformation.

Libra - The Hierophant reversed - this season is about questioning traditions and subsequently rebelling, breaking free from the status quo and reclaiming your independence as a unique being with your own set of thoughts and beliefs. This can be about forging your own path and even stepping off of the right path, be mindful of the choices that you make.

Scorpio - Nine of Swords reversed - Things have not been easy and the weight of the world seems to have been weighing on your mind, perhaps even the opinions of others. However, now you can expect to find mental release from the things that have been causing you this anxiety, fear, depression and keeping you up at night.

Sagittarius - The Chariot - Use your willpower to center yourself, take control of the reins and start moving in the right direction for success. You may not know exactly what it is you want to move towards yet, but you should know what you want to move away from.

Capricorn - Four of Cups reversed - it’s time to open up and be willing to receive not only from those around you, but from Spirit too. While you don’t have to accept everything, being stubborn and refusing to even consider may only be holding you back. If you have been in isolation or removed from the world around you, it’s time to snap back into the real world, there is work to be done.

Aquarius - Queen of Wands - Step into the hot seat and own it. This month is about having the courage, confidence and determination to sit in the power seat, get the ball rolling, and get the job done. Look to the Sun for inspiration, let your intuition guide you, know that you have worked hard to get here and deserve it, and be mindful to not reveal your plans.

Pisces - King of Cups reversed - this season brings about the possibility for emotional volatility and manipulation around a particular person or situation. Be mindful of those that cause waves in your orbit, particularly the tsunami type, and find your balance once more.



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© Brandy Rachelle

Uncredited images from my personal collection or within the public domain


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